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PLEBNET para la plebe

¡Bienvenido a la Plebnet! En esta página hemos esbozado la "guía" principal. Sigue los artículos de esta página para entender mejor los pasos necesarios para unirte a la PlebNet y poner tu nodo en marcha. Si quieres simplemente navegar, puedes ver todas nuestras páginas Special:AllPages.

¡Bienvenido a la Plebnet!

Welcome to Plebnet

""¡Por favor, lea el link anterior antes de nada!"" Contiene una introducción y consejos útiles.

Cómo empezar

¿Eres nuevo y quizás no entiendes del todo la lightning network? ¿Aún no tienes tu propio nodo? ¿Aún no estás en el grupo de Telegram de Plebnet Español?

Por favor, consulte la página Getting started.

Reclame su nodo

En Telegram, envía una DM a @cheeserobot y escriba /claim (siga las instrucciones, tendrás que firmar una msg con su nodo para probar que eres dueño del nodo)

Después, va para el grupo de Plebnet Español y anuncie su nodo con /node. Si ves tu proprio nodo, éxito! Repite el proceso en otros grupos que suporten CheeseRobot con /node.

Además, es uno de los mejores sitios web para buscar nodos y su información básica. La gente puede ir a Amboss para buscar la información de tu nodo. Puedes reclamar tu nodo en Amboss, lo que te permitirá personalizar el perfil de tu nodo y añadir información adicional. Utiliza estas instrucciones: Claim on Amboss

Apertura de canales

La primera pregunta que se hace un plebeyo después (o incluso antes) de sincronizar el nodo ""con quién debo abrir canales""

I would say - with a mentor who is willing to spend time with you, teach you the ropes, mentor and guide you to be a better node runner

Of course in the age of google, internet, and instant gratification, this thought can be frowned upon but there is no replacement for a mentor in your journey as node runner.

For information relating to lightning channels, including methods to get inbound liquidity see: Opening channels

Maintaining Proper Node Hygiene

UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)


The following link contains some important information about channel backups and recovery solutions so that you have a better idea of how to keep your funds safe.

Let’s Get Personal

Your node can be customized to appear as a name (alias) rather than just a bunch of random letters and numbers. You can also set a color for your node that will show up on various lightning-related websites and programs.


Balance of Satoshis

Balance of Satoshis, or BoS, is a set of commands for working with LND balances. It can do similar things as interfaces like ThunderHub or RideTheLightning. However, your options are much wider with BoS, and you will need it if you want to set up a telegram bot with your node (to get notifications whenever channels are opened/closed, whenever you forward a payment, whenever your node goes offline, and to get automatic channel backups for safety).

For more information, and common BoS commands see: Balance of Satoshis.

Installation: process for Umbrel - Installing BoS. Includes instructions for setting up BoS telegram bot.

LND Configuration Settings Overview

Click the link below for information related to setting up channel size limits, predefined fees on new channels, setting up watchtowers, and other optimization settings.

Running A Profitable Routing Node

Not seeing routing through your node, or your sats are only moving in one direction?

Want more information about rebalancing and fees? Want to run a program that auto-adjusts your fees, or one that gives you KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?

Your one stop shop for tips on routing node profitability: Running A Profitable Routing Node

Shortcut to auto-fee and auto-KPI instructions

Playground / Sandbox

Click the image below to get information on Plebnet Playground, a place where you can learn and use the lightning network without risking any real money (signet).

Plebnet Playground Logo


A selection of questions frequently asked in plebnet groups. FAQ


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