Translations:Balance of Satoshis/9/en

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accounting <category> Get an accounting rundown

      advertise                           Broadcast advertisement
      balance                             Get total tokens
      broadcast <tx>                      Submit a signed transaction to the mempool
      call [method]                       Make a raw API call and to get a raw API response
      cert-validity-days                  Number of days until the cert is invalid
      chain-deposit [amount]              Deposit coins in the on-chain wallet
      chainfees                           Get the current chain fee estimates
      chart-chain-fees                    Get a chart of chain fee expenses
      chart-fees-earned [via_peer]        Get a chart of earned routing fees
      chart-fees-paid                     Get a chart of paid routing fees
      chart-payments-received             Get a chart of received payments
      closed                              Get the status of a channel closings
      credentials                         Export local credentials
      fees                                Show and adjust outbound fee rates
      find <query>                        Find a record
      forwards                            Show recent forwarding earnings
      fund <address_amount...>            Make a signed transaction spending on-chain funds
      gateway                             Request gateway for
      inbound-channel-rules               Enforce rules for inbound channels
      inbound-liquidity                   Get inbound liquidity size
      increase-inbound-liquidity          Increase node inbound liquidity
      increase-outbound-liquidity         Move on-chain funds off-chain
      market [pair] [exchange]            Get the history of prices on a market
      nodes [node]                        List and edit saved nodes
      open <peer_public_keys...>          Open channels using an external wallet for funding
      open-balanced-channel               Open a dual-funded channel with a node
      outbound-liquidity                  Get outbound liquidity size
      pay <request>                       Pay a payment request, probing first
      peers                               Get a list of channel-connected peers
      price [symbols...]                  Get the price
      probe <to> [amount]                 Check if a payment request is sendable
      rebalance                           Rebalance funds between peers
      reconnect                           Reconnect to disconnected channel partners
      remove-peer [public_key]            Close out with a channel-connected peer
      report                              Report about the node
      send <to>                           Send funds to a node
      services                            Run a KeySend paid services server
      swap-api-key                        Purchase a swap API key or inspect a swap API key
      swap-in [amount]                    Trade on-chain coins for off-chain via submarine swap
      tags [tag]                          View or adjust the set of tagged nodes
      telegram                            Post updates to a Telegram bot
      transfer <to> [amount]              Send funds to a saved node
      unlock <path_to_password_file>      Unlock wallet if locked
      use <server_id>                     Use a paid KeySend service from a services provider
      utxos                               Get a list of utxos
      help <command>                      Display help for a specific command