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These are ALL the notes I've taken off the Plebnet channel, or elsewheres, in very, very sparse order. Peruse them as you would like.


Update: Glad you find it useful :) Yes, I would still recommend it but with a couple of modifications: 1) an onchain transaction to the LND wallet is needed to deposit at least 100,000 sats to ensure that all channels that will be opened could be anchor channels as it's so much better than not anchor channels, and 2) rather than 2M sats channels, we should open 2.05 or 2.1M sats channels, otherwise with only 2M sats channels, due to the reserve, there can never be more than 1M sats on both side of the channels, which leads to less 'good peers' stats on Web Terminal. With 2.05M sats channel, even once the reserve is taken out, there are still more than 2M sats channels lefts and tehrefore a balanced 50/50 channel will have >1M sats channels on both side and earn 2 good peers, one for inbound and one for outbound. Ingredients:

   LND node
   Electrum Desktop (edit: or also Sparrow Wallet, tutorial here)
   12M sats in your cold wallet (as an example here, could be anything of course)
   Lots of love, always needed


   Do not send sats to your LND wallet on your node! (you're saving one onchain transaction). (Edit: except if you want to open anchor channels, in that case you need at least 1 UTXO with a minimum of 100k sats in your LND on-chain wallet for the anchor channel opening process to succeed).
   Negotiate to be part of four 2M sats triangle on this sub ( Make sure you let your peer know of your plan as they might be worried that you are a new node with no channels yet!
   Four triangles will link you to 8 'routing' peers, try to make sure that at least a couple of them are 'good node' on Terminal Web. The goal is to have at least 3 good peers, but you'll get some in the next step.
   Find 2 big 'merchant' node (e.g. exhange, merchant, wallet etc). Try to read Reddit or TG LN threads to find good nodes that will probably be quite active. Note that some of them have minimum channel size so they might not be suitable for a 2M sats channel. Take your time to read and get information to try selecting good merchants. But in the hand, it's also a question of luck! Try to get merchants that are 'good nodes' with 5 green ticks in Web Terminal.
   In in text file, make a list of the pubkeys of all the nodes you will open to (i.e. 4 peers as part of the triangles and 2 merchant peers = 6 pubkeys)
   Batch open transaction with balanceofsatoshi and Electrum Desktop. Below is a quick description of the process, but this step involves an onchain transaction and therefore possible loss of funds if mistakes were made. For more explanations and screenshots, I recommend this detailed tutorial on Jestopher's website: (there is a small paywall to pay with a LN wallet).
       In Electrum Desktop, go to Tools > Preferences, under the 'Transactions' tab, actiavte on 'Advance preview'. Then in Tools, open the 'Pay to many' dialog box.
       On your node, as a bos user, in the command line interface, enter this command: bos open <node pubkey 1> --amount <channel size in sats 1> <pubkey 2> --amount <channel size 2> <pubkey 3> --amount <channel size 3> <pubkey 4> --amount <channel size 4> <pubkey 5> --amount <channel size 5> <pubkey 6> --amount <channel size 6> After pressing enter, a 10 min counter will start, and you will need to do steps 3 to 5 within the 10 mins. Make sure to not use Ctrl+C once the timer has started! If you want to cancel the process and timer, just press Enter in the command line interface.
       Do not enter any other command in the CLI, but just copy the output of the 'bos open' command, which will be a list of onchain addresses and amount in bitcoin separated by a comma. This is a format compatible with Electrum 'pay to many' option.
       In Electrum, paste this list in the pay-to-many dialog box, save the transaction, click 'Pay', set a fixed fee as low as possible (do it during the weekend during a period of low activity, if possible <10 sats/vB). Then click 'Finalize' and 'Sign' it using your hardware wallet (or Electrum wallet if not using a hardware wallet) but DO NOT broadcast it! This will be done by balanceofsatoshi.
       Once finalized and signed, copy the signed raw transaction and paste it in the command line interface and press 'Enter'. After a few seconds or minutes, bos will display a transaction ID. You can then use your node's own block explorer to check the status of your batch transaction.
   Once your channels are opened and your triangle peers have also opened their channels. Ask all your peers to set up the fee rate between all your nodes to 1ppm for 15-30 min, and try to rebalance all your channels 50/50 using: bos rebalance --amount 1000000 --in <triangle 1 peer 1 node pubkey> --max-fee-rate 5 --out <triangle 1 peer 2 node pubkey> (and similarly with your 3 other triangles). You could try to rebalance a couple of triangles and ask your peers to rebalance the last 2 to share the burden. With 1ppm fees and max fee rate set at 5 ppm, it is highly likely that the rebalancing will use only 2 hops and go through your peers only, so you should end up paying only 1-2 sats to rebalance each triangle.


   Only 1 onchain transaction = big saving on onchain fees by not sending sats to your LND wallet and by batch opening your channels
   10 channels (this is often the minimum requirements to have some channels with some other nodes (e.g. and seems to be enough to be judged as having 'plenty of channels' by the various scoring system.
   At least 3 good peers = If properly selected, you should be connected with at least 3 good peers that have 5 green ticks on Terminal Web. Three seems to be the minmum number required for yourself to get the 'Many good peers' green tick! (but only if you already have the first four criteria green).
   20M sats capacity with 8M inbound and 12M outbound, including 4 balanced channels (1M/1M sats) if you did step 6 successfully with your triangle peers.


   Activate 'anchor channels' on your node and ask your peer to do the same -> it increases the capacity of your channels and might decrease closing fees in some cases (edit: as pointed out by u/PVmining, part of the anchor channel creation requires the ring-fencing of a portion of the LND on-chain wallet for fee bumping during potential force closing of the channel... If there is no funds in the LND wallet, as suggested in the guide, it might not be possible to create anchor channels. Looking for clarification on the topic, stay tuned).
   Do not register your node on 1ML, as you'll have to open a channel which means paying onchain fees, locking some liquidity and the channel will probably never be used from routing. Instead, register your node on by simply signing a message.
   Change the default fee rate of your lnd.conf file (default is 1ppm) to >10 ppm for your routing peers and possibly higher for the merchants. Setting up the fee rate is a question of trials and errors and is depending on the type of peer, flows of sats etc but it is often safe to assume that 1ppm is way too low to maintain a routing node (IMHO), although some keep it at 1ppm for ideological reasons (to keep routing fees for LN users super cheap).

[In reply to M] for now you can do the following (my suggestions) 1. Set base fee = 9999 sats (9999_000 mSat) on all channels where your local balance is < 10% channel capacity 2. Set fee rate on all channels where you purchased inbound to > 599 (or whatever you paid in ppm to buy that liquidity) so that you can recover your cost partially or fully. 3. On all channels where you have outbound >10% but < 50% keep a fee rate > 299ppm 4. On all channels where you have outboung > 50% keep a fee rate of 99ppm (or lower)

Except 1, which is #9999BaseFee, other numbers are just suggestions.

we can review your routing performance in 7 days.

[In reply to VS] [local<10%] chan.min_ratio = 0 chan.max_ratio = 0.1 strategy = static base_fee_msat = 9999000 fee_ppm = 0

[local>10%-50%] chan.min_ratio = 0.1 chan.max_ratio = 0.5 strategy = proportional base_fee_msat = 1000 min_fee_ppm = 300 max_fee_ppm = 600

[local>50%] chan.min_ratio = 0.5 chan.max_ratio = 1 strategy = static base_fee_msat = 1000 fee_ppm = 99

like that? (in the words of charge-lnd)

Here are my thought on Node P&L

Net Sats = Earned - Paid - Chain-fees - PaidToBuyLiquidity - LoopOutCustodialFees

Earned = Sats earned in a period ; use-> bos chart-fees-earned —days 7

Paid = Sats paid for rebalancing, etc. ; use-> bos chart-fees-paid —days 7

Chain-fees = amount paid for on-chain fees close/open ; use-> bos chart-chain-fees —days 7

PaidToBuyLiquidity = example if you paid LNBIG 15k Sats to open an Inbound channel to you

LoopOutCustodialFees = any Strike or Wallet Loop-out/Loop-in cost or Fees for transfer of funds to Node on-chain wallet

If the Net Sats numbers every week is improving and moving towards positive (making profits) are doing good. If going other direction not so good and analyze why it is negative.

Once you have the measurement system in place for your can then begin to benchmark how much +ve or -ve your peers are at - if someone is willing to share.

You can also run the #s for days 30 or 60 or 90

Set the fee so that if the channel liquidity moves from the start (usually all local) to either extreme (probably all remote), it will pay for the chain fees that it took to set up this system. Chain fees include both opening the channel and closing the channel. The routing preference for LND is not based on the cheapest route, IT IS BASED ON THE LIKELIHOOD OF ROUTING SUCCESS. So, don’t worry about charging a lot; worry about not charging enough. Okay say your channel is 1 million satoshis. In order to pay for the chain fee of say ~200 sats and a channel close fee of the same amount, you’ll need to set your base fee to a number greater than zero (doesn’t really matter) and your rate fee to (200 sats open + 200 sats close)/ 1M capacity = 400 ppm. PPM is parts per million, which is parts fee per million sats routed. You can already see with this thinking that you want bigger channels, so the chain fees don’t negate your routing activity income. If you went with a 2M sat channel, you’d only need to charge half that rate to break even.

osito, [31.08.21 09:43] speaking only for my node: I do channels up to 10M and set proportional fees in categories of < 1M, 1-4M and > 4M <1M: fee rate 200 - 300ppm 1-4M: fee rate 250 - 300ppm >4M: fee rate 300 - 600ppm this is depending on channel balance (low if 100% local balance and high fees if 100% remote balance) plus individual fees for certain nodes

yeah, [31.08.21 16:35] [In reply to Jonas] (About opening 2 channels with same node, one 100% local, one 100% remote) Lnd will choose the channel with liquidity to route through, so you won't necessarily get temporarychannelfailure if one of the channels does not have liquidity.

There are a few problems with this though. If you set different fees on these channels, Lnd will pick the highest fee channel, but the client chose the lower fee ofcourse, so you'll return insufficient fee a lot.

c-lightning cannot handle multiple channels per node pair very well, causing errors. (In c-lightning it's not possible to open multiple channels to the same node) VS, [31.08.21 16:51] [In reply to yeah] If you set different fees on these channels, Lnd will pick the highest fee channel, but the client chose the lower fee ofcourse, so you'll return insufficient fee a lot. -> this will not happen (the client aka the sender only sees the highest fee on the graph)

VS, [31.08.21 17:27] [In reply to Zap] both options are available on wiki - disable is applicable only from lnd 13 onwards

VS, [31.08.21 17:30] disable could be superior - I had infact opened an issue with lnd-rpc as well that the protocol updates the disable flag at protoccol level but the suggestion was to implement it in tools outside (which charge-lnd has done) my personal preference is disable (which I have updated on my charge-lnd config)

03d1e805c, [01.09.21 10:45] [ Photo ] tbh running bos reconnect frequently seems to def make a difference, have it every 12 hours maybe should set to 6

VS, [01.09.21 10:46] [In reply to 03d1e805c] Many of us do every hour

mainnet testnet at same time


It requires both nodes to support keysend or AMP (keysend is getting deprecated by AMP)

(NODE 1)

   Run: bos open-balanced-channel
   It prompts you to enter remote node public key
   enter full channel size
   enter fee rate, it will give you an address and amount to send to
   In a separate shell, run: bos fund --fee-rate <fee> <address> <sats>
   copy the signed transaction to bos prompt

(NODE 2)

   Run: bos open-balanced-channel (it should see the request form node1 at this point)
   It prompts you to agree with the funding rate (y/n)
   In a separate shell, run: bos fund --fee-rate <fee> <address> <sats>
   copy the signed transaction to bos prompt
   hit enter and this should work

One thing worth noting is that using dynamic channel policy manager somewhat conflicts with the logic used by the rebalance-lnd tool - it assumes that your channel fees will remain the same for the forseeable future when it calculates the opportunity cost you're paying by moving liquidity around

HTLC - Hash Time Lock Contract is a dual lock, on one side it opens at expiry of time, on other side it opens by hash. when A forwards to B, the Time Lock is on A's side and Hash Lock is on B's side. If the payment is successful, B gets the hash, it will open the lock and prove to A that it can open the lock to claim the funds. A need to issue a new commitment transaction to settle the balance (and the HTLC) so that channel balance can be updated (funds moved to B ) however if A does not respond, B has time running against it. If A does not respond before the expiry of time lock, the funds will move back to A and B will be out of pocket. So before the expiry of timelock and A not respondign, B force clsoes the channel automatically and publish the has to claim the HTLC on-chain.

A (or A's watch tower) can dispute that if A has valid reason (and revocation key) but usually that is not the case and after expiry of to-self-delay the valid funds move to B.

Testing Tester, [05.09.21 15:50] [In reply to VS] great explanation, going to copy that into my notes .txt, I read that "B force closes the channel automatically" so it's built in lnd without having to actually do anything, and that's why people sometimes report channels force closed apparently by themselves? Also, if the timelock was to run out, would it mean that B would be losing 100% of the sum that was destined to him?

VS, [05.09.21 16:05] [In reply to Testing Tester] only if destined to B (which is why B would force close) If B indeed does not have hash to claim (payment failed and failure not propagated down the path), the time lock will open and A will claim their legitimate funds. The second scenario happen more often then forceclose. I get 1-2 stuck HTLC in a day which resolve within hours and some end up waiting for the timelock. I keep my timelock low (20 block) so I have at more risk of force close (if I am not responsive) but at the same time I get my funds back in 20 blocks.

A node which is not stable or wants to leave more lee way, can keep higher time lock

VS, [05.09.21 16:05] usual defaults are 40 only if destined to B (which is why B would force close) If B indeed does not have hash to claim (payment failed and failure not propagated down the path), the time lock will open and A will claim their legitimate funds. The second scenario happen more often then forceclose. I get 1-2 stuck HTLC in a day which resolve within hours and some end up waiting for the timelock. I keep my timelock low (20 block) so I have at more risk of force close (if I am not responsive) but at the same time I get my funds back in 20 blocks.

A node which is not stable or wants to leave more lee way, can keep higher time lock

VS, [05.09.21 16:05] usual defaults are 40

if you're worried about too much inbound, sell it to LOOP. open a channel to LOOP and if you set up your fees right you'll quickly get rid of some of your inbound and take some good fees for it.

03d1e805c, [9/7/21, 12:28 PM] [In reply to LN Eagle] loop is highly desired destination for routing, so opening a channel with them quickly moves balances to remote side after which point they close channel taking away about that channel size of inbound liquidity

03d1e805c, [9/7/21, 12:29 PM] can set channel fee as high as 2k ppm or more to them too

TomaZZ: Hey fellow Plebs, I'm planning to get a UPS back-up for my Umbrel node. I read info about UPSs on plebnet wiki and have one question. It is recommended there to NOT plug your modem/router along with your node to the UPS unit due to potential corruption if my node is writing to the disk if power outage occurs. I don't understand what plugging modem/router has to do with potential of data corruption. Is there anyone who can clarify this? I think it would rather make sense to have all equipment plugged in so that the node can stay online during short power outages? Ngu: You want to do this, so that your internet connection is not live when the battery dies, thus you are not writing to the channels.db and there is a lower risk of data corruption. If you have a usb connected from the UPS to the raspi, you can have it shutdown gracefully, in which case, you would want the modem/router on the UPS as well.

VS, [08.09.21 09:57] Channels with low flow could also be to do with liquidity in wrong direction.

Flights to Kabul may go empty but there are plenty for flights from Kabul.

Sometimes it pays to takes the cost of sending an empty plane (rebalance)

Full Throdl Hodl, [09.09.21 20:23] [In reply to VS] Maybe you could give me an idea of how you knew the direction our channel would flow before much activity occurred?

It would allow me to do the analysis myself rather than take peoples word for it

VS, [09.09.21 20:24] run rebalance in loop and watch the paths - spend 12-16 hours a day watching bos rebalance outputs on various combinations 😄

I am in favour of probing but not for free. That way those who do not want to be probed can raise up their fee (and those who don’t mind probed can bring down their fee). The probe blocks htlc on your node and many a times they get stuck - which means that portion of your channel is unusable for a long time

Probes can also be misused to make a channel temporarily disabled by filling up with probe payments which do not settle and time out.

Testing Tester, [12.09.21 08:40] [In reply to Jason] But how could you make sure channel.db was actually not corrupted, before starting lnd? yeah, [12.09.21 08:44] [In reply to Testing Tester] You could run chantools compactdb on a backup

Testing Tester, [12.09.21 08:46] [In reply to Nitesh ₿⚡️] Apart from unbalancing, if every node used max-htlc and or progressive fees and or 9999 base fee, do you think those routes would not fail anymore?

VS, [12.09.21 08:50] [In reply to Testing Tester] Provided gossip is synched

Disabled channel would not be tried so not failed. But can no act your node reputation and also can cause confusion in peers.

Max HTLC would not be tried so not failed

Fees (#9999BaseFee) would be way down below in path so less likely to be tried.

Testing Tester, [12.09.21 08:52] also another Q: will a pending HTLC influence the channel balancing until it's resolved? If I forwarded 100k and I'm still waiting for it to get back, could another forward trigger a failureof those 100k made it impossible for it to route, hence flagging me as "bad node" because of someone else's fault? And is there a way to intervene by setting max-htlc to lower when a pending htlc is present? (sorry if I don't replt right away I am going back and forth with the past history) VS, [12.09.21 08:56] [In reply to Testing Tester] Pending htlc impact future forwards until resolved. It lowers the local balance.

Any mitigation techniques would work.

Testing Tester, [12.09.21 09:30] [In reply to VS] I didn't think looping out would be a fast way to balance excessive outbound to inbound, I thought it was just to getmore onchain funds, placing it to my notes

Giovanni, [12.09.21 10:48] [In reply to Testing Tester] Let's say you want to pay D, and to do that you have to route through A, B and C.

Let's say all channels have 2M capacity, and are all perfectly balanced at 1M. You want to send 300k sats. After you have sent it, A, B and C change their max_htlc on their channels to 700k sats.

If someone is observing the network, they will see that payment flow. If you host your node and your private wallet on it, it's complicated. If you are the only person hosting your wallet there, then the anonimity set is 1 so you are tracked. If many people are hosting their wallet there, the anonimity set is better but you have to trust that node (which if it's your node it's fine, but the others have to trust you) (this reminds me of vpn services lol)

VS, [13.09.21 11:40] [In reply to Testing Tester] basically some node -> @nitesh_btc -> LOOP and then letting the loop channel close (or rebalanced for lower if possible) The fees for forwarding to loop is 5000 as I understand from the discussion.

Testing Tester, [13.09.21 11:46] [In reply to VS] follow up question is: why "some node" would be fool enough to pay nitesh when they can just open a channel to loop directly?

VS, [13.09.21 11:50] [In reply to Testing Tester] some node is not paying @nitesh_btc most likely Nitesh is paying to rebalance that "some node" to push sats to remote at say X which when flow to LOOP pay Y. As long as Y remains > X there is some play left.

VS, [13.09.21 11:51] yes somenode can open to LOOP directly (with 16777215 minimum) and undercut Nitesh completely. It can happen slowly and not overnight because not everyone is still with 16M Sats on their on-chain wallet.

VS, [13.09.21 11:52] in long run the market grinds down the arbitrage

VS, [13.09.21 11:53] but if you look at it you deposit to bank at 0.1% bank lends you on credit card at 18% you can always ask -> why not someone starts lending at 5% or 10% to remove the credit card business - well that started peer to peer lending business BUT it has still not killed matercard or visa.

Things take a long time to change

VS, [13.09.21 11:54] the beauty of lightning is that it makes the field level - anyone can do it (just like anyone can open channel to LOOP and charge wahtever they want (1000 if they want to undercut Nitesh or 7000 if they want more return than Nitesh)

03d1e805c, [18.09.21 18:11] usually when i need to get some sats to open a channel i send them to my umbrel wallet from various sources at 1 sat/vbyte and then during channel open with ride the lightning i check to use unconfirmed utxo and then decide the final fee rate of lets say 3 sat/vbyte so according to CPFP the effctive fee rate of all the transactions involved becomes something in the middle weighted by their size, bunch of 1 sat/vbyte and 1x 3 sat/vbyte, that's how CPFP works

03d1e805c, [18.09.21 18:12] miners will now want to include those 1 sat/vbyte tx more than regular 1 sat/vbyte bc they know there's already a tx that will spend higher fee rate if they add those in, so they are worth more to them and 3 sat/vbyte is worth less bc it requires some underpriced tx to be added first